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  • Project Title:  Plane stress and strain analysis of a circular disk with different holes by finite element method (FEM)

       Course: MNE 503: Continuum Mechanics(UMass Dartmouth.

       Instructor: Dr. Vijaya Chalivendra.


The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical method for solving governing differential equations arising in engineering and mathematics problems.  The major applications of FEM are structural analysis, fluid flow, heat transfer, and electromagnetic potential. The FEM breaks a big system into smaller, simpler sections called finite elements in order to solve a problem. This is accomplished through a specific space discretization in the spatial dimensions, which is accomplished through the creation of a mesh of the object: the numerical domain for the solution, which has a finite number of points. A system of algebraic equations emerges from the finite element technique description of a boundary value issue. Over the domain, the approach approximates the unknown function. These simple equations are then combined into a bigger system of equations that models the full situation. Finally, FEM gives an approximate solution with lowest possible errors by using the calculus of variations.






•Building up an FEA model of an arbitrary two-dimensional (2D) geometry with hole in the center and performing plane stress and corresponding strain analysis using COMSOL

•Performing the same study for three different hole sizes and varying mesh refinements

•Curve fitting the data of a selected region to obtain a polynomial function for plane stress and corresponding strain

•Satisfying the stress equilibrium equations and strain compatibility equations for the data of the selected region

•Analysis the error that might be involved in the results [Full-text Report]





















                                Geometry and loads & boundary condition                                       Mesh of the body




































Computational Tool: COMSOL Multiphysics and  Matlab. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




  • Project Title:  Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

       Course: ME 310: Thermo-fluid equipment design(BUET)

       Instructor: Dr. A.K.M. Monjur Morshed


Summary: In this project, a shell & tube heat exchanger model was made to realize the working principle and gathered practical knowledge on it. It was a simple HTX with one shell & one tube pass. After completing this model, a hydraulic leak proof test was tested. Due to some welding defects, the test failed. Once the welding defects were removed, the model successfully passed away the hydraulic test.


  • Project Title:  Smart Erasing System(White-board)

       Course: ME 362: Instrumentation & Measurement(BUET)

       Instructor: Dr. A.K.M. Monjur Morshed


Summary: A nut and bolt system was made to move an eraser up and down to erase whatever written on the board. One bolt was rotated with help of a stepper motor and the other bolt was connected to the first bolt with a chain-sprocket system. The two nuts were connected to the eraser and fix on the bolts. When the bolts rotates, the nuts move up and down the bolts along with eraser.


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